Trading Platform

Tradebulls online marketplace platform for all your trading needs.

Tradebulls Touch 2.0

Tradebulls Mobile Trading App “Touch 2.0” is loaded with Powerful & Advanced tools. Intuitive Dashboard, Seamless Trade execution, and Exclusive research.

  1. Stocks PerformanceDetail Quote & Stock performance scores
  2. Alerts & NotificationsGet Research & Trade calls, Set Price Alerts
  3. Voice-commandSUNO Just say to place order
  4. Actionable WatchlistEasy & Quick Order Placement from watchlist
  5. Molti-view PortfolioTracking Investments in multi views
Tradebulls Touch 2.0

Tradebulls Pro

Tradebulls Desktop-based Trading platform “PRO”· A browser-based platform streaming live quotes, Light & Easy to access from anywhere, seamlessly connecting extensive website experience to the trading terminal.

  1. Advance ChartingDynamic features like click & drag charting tools, Event indicators, & Studies
  2. Product Portfolio with Bulk OrdersPlace bulk orders and Track your product portfolio performance
  3. View Complete Stock Info in One ClickSelect any stock and get research market-depth, quotes, reports, charts etc.
  4. Compact Order WindowPlace orders quickly with some pre-defined keyboard presses
  5. Actionable & Expandable WatchlistChange watchlist views to List, Grid, or Expanded View to see price ticks
Tradebulls Pro


"TradeBulls has teamed up with TradingView to enhance its charting technology. This global investing and trading platform provides market data, financial news, and features a real-time economic calendar to keep track of important financial events"


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