Futures & Options Calculator
Combined margin requirements
- Span Margin0
- Exposure Margin0
- Special Margin0
- Total Margin0
Contract | Exchange | Order Type | Product | Qty. | Span Margin | Exposure Margin | Special Margin | Total | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Futures & Options Calculator
The Tradebulls F&O margin calculator is an internet tool, that let's you calculate complete margin necessities for option writing/shorting or for multi-leg F&O techniques whilst buying and selling equity, F&O, commodity and currency before taking a trade. No more taking trades simply to determine the margin on the way to be blocked! The new SEBI round mandates agents to accumulate the entire SPAN + Exposure margin to hold ahead Futures and Options positions to the following day. Make certain to have enough F&O span margins to keep away from margin penalty and square off, of open positions from today. Buying options require complete premium and not margins. Hence premium values to buy options do not display withinside the above F and O margin calculator. Adding buying option positions would possibly have margin benefits on futures and short option positions which will be displayed above.