Personal Finance

10 Oct 2023 | 4 min Read

8 Vital Do’s and Dont’s of Investing Responsibly in the Stock Market

Investing in the stock market is an exciting endeavor that can help you grow your wealth over time. However, success in this domain hinges on adopting prudent strategies and maintaining the right mindset. Here are eight essential do's and eight crucial don'ts to keep in mind.

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20 Nov 2023 | 3 min Read

8 Investing Lessons to Learn from Cricket World Cup 2023

The ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023 has taken center stage in everyone's thoughts and screens this year as all of India is excited and anticipating it. There is more to it than meets the eye - the strategies, resilience, and tactical moves witnessed on the field also provide valuable investment insights.

Blog One

28 Nov 2023 | 3 min Read

How Does Inflation Affect Your Investment Portfolio?

Inflation, the persistent rise in the general level of prices, has a substantial influence on investment portfolios, gradually diminishing the actual value of returns over time. As prices escalate, the purchasing power of money weakens, posing a nuanced challenge for investors seeking to preserve and grow their wealth. Understanding the direct impact of inflation on investment performance is crucial in navigating these economic dynamics.

Blog One

11 Dec 2023 | 4 min Read

Ever Wondered Why Compound Interest is Called The 8th Wonder of The World?

Compound interest isn't just financial jargon—it's your money doing the heavy lifting. Unlocking financial success may be simpler than you think. Imagine your money growing on its own, gaining interest on both the principal and the previously earned interest.

Blog One

26 Feb 2024 | 3 min Read

Emergency Fund vs Tax Savings: Can You Have Your Cake and Eat it Too?

In the juggling act of personal finance, two crucial aspects often compete for attention: Building an Emergency Fund and Maximizing Tax Savings.

Blog One

10 Apr 2024 | 3 min Read

FOMO Investing: The Psychology Behind Fear of Missing Out and Market Dynamics

In the age of social media and instant gratification, the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) has become a powerful force influencing our decisions, and investing is no exception. FOMO Investing has gained particular attention in recent years due to its profound impact on investors' behavior and market dynamics.

Blog One

7 Jun 2024 | 3 min Read

Why Your Money Needs to Work Harder? The Danger of Having a Stagnant Savings Account

In personal finance, the phrase "money makes money" couldn't be truer. Yet, many individuals fall into the trap of parking their hard-earned cash in a stagnant savings account, oblivious to the perils it entails. While stashing away funds in a savings account is a commendable first step towards financial security, it's imperative to recognize that keeping your money idle in a stagnant savings account can pose significant risks to your long-term financial well-being.

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